Serving Homewood & East Baltimore

Honoring our retired faculty for their exceptional wisdom, intelligence, and experience, the Academy actively engages retired faculty in the Johns Hopkins community in ways that benefit our students, patients, disciplines, and institution, and that support their ongoing professional fulfillment.

The Academy – East Baltimore supports the continued research, teaching, and service of retired faculty of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing.

The Academy – Homewood Campus is an institute for advanced study, where retired professors from the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering can pursue research opportunities, conduct and attend academic seminars, and explore other opportunities for continued scholarship.

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The Academy at Homewood

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The Academy at East Baltimore

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Upcoming Homewood Academy Events

  • Wednesday, April 2nd from 12:30 – 2:00 pm in the Johns Hopkins Club or on Zoom
    • Formal Meeting: Inventing Resilient Networked Systems That Make A Difference with Yair Amir
  • Wednesday, April 9th from 12:30 – 2:00 pm in the Johns Hopkins Club or on Zoom
    • Formal Meeting: Richard Kagan’s presentation on his book
  • Wednesday, April 16th from 12:30 – 2:00 pm in the Johns Hopkins Club or on Zoom
    • Formal Meeting: “An Ecology of Nonhuman Modes of Protection” with William Connolly
  • To learn about more events, click here.

Joining The Academy at Homewood

Contact Jennifer Van Beek to enroll

Retired faculty are one of Johns Hopkins’ greatest assets. The entire university community benefits from their involvement on campus, both with each other and with current faculty and students. Many retired faculty choose to remain actively engaged in their scholarship after they retire, and they prefer to pursue their scholarly activities within the context of the university community. Others wish to stay involved by attending lectures, contributing to and following new developments in fields of interest. The scholarly activity of The Academy includes research opportunities and benefits, valedictory lectures given by new Academy members, and regular themed seminars organized by Academy professors.

Members of the Academy receive the title of “Academy professor.” This is a title reserved for individuals who have retired from the full-time tenured faculty and does not carry salary. Academy professors are permitted to submit grant applications, indicating the ongoing research role of titleholders. Academy professors may simultaneously hold the title of emeritus professor.

The Academy professor title is a part-time, unpaid title. Members of the Academy, who are retired from the full-time faculty, have no teaching or service obligations to the University. If a member of the Academy and his/her respective academic department agree that the member will teach, there will be a separate agreement with the dean for that activity. Similarly, if an Academy member receives salary support under a sponsored research agreement, there will be a separate agreement with the dean for that activity.

Academy members also receive:

  • An annual research allowance. Please contact the Academy for more specifics
  • Support from the annual budget, which supports seminars on members’ research, inaugural lectures of the tenured faculty, special-topic seminars with visiting members, a colloquium series of visiting speakers, and co-sponsored workshops and seminars with departments
  • Shared office space on campus
  • Full library privileges and email. Administrative support is provided for the Academy’s functions
  • Ability to invite visiting scholars from other universities for thematic seminars


Questions? Contact Jennifer Van Beek

All current members of the tenured faculty who are eligible to retire from Johns Hopkins University (i.e., are age 55 and have 10 or more years of service; or have 30 years of service regardless of age) are eligible for appointment to the Academy.

Additional criteria for appointment include an intention to participate in the activities of the Academy and a plan to continue a research program or pursue a research or scholarly interest. Appointment as academy professor is in perpetuity (or until death); payable benefits are maxed at 10 years.