Our Commitment

The Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship (PPF) program is a flagship component of the Faculty Diversity Initiative 2.0 in the Second Roadmap on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We know from the research that there is a need to both grow the pool of diverse scholars interested in academic careers and to create for these scholars more intentional pathways to the profession. The PPF is designed to make meaningful advancements on this front at Hopkins. 

Meet the Fellows

Full Separator

PPF Program Description

The Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship program is part of the Faculty Diversity Initiative 2.0, which is one of many programs outlined in Realizing Our Promise: The Second JHU Roadmap on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The Office of the Provost has stated that the fellowships “seek to locate, promote, and nurture the work of outstanding early career postdoctoral scholars at Johns Hopkins University.” The program will prepare participants for faculty positions at Johns Hopkins (or elsewhere), particularly in fields where there are fewer women or members of underrepresented minorities. A successful nominee will be someone with diverse life experiences and background who has potential for both a successful fellowship and a possible future tenure-track faculty appointment at Johns Hopkins.

The PPF Program aims to:

  • Identify, recruit, and support outstanding early career postdoctoral scholars
  • Create strategic pathways to STEM faculty positions for graduate students and postdocs from underrepresented groups
  • Build community, networking, and mentoring opportunities across the FDI 2.0 programs

The fellowship supports:

  • $65,00 annual salary
  • Fringe benefits
  • $5,000 in Research Funds for supplies/research costs directly related to the project proposed in your fellowship application
  • $2,000 in Professional Development Funds to enhance connections and skills needed to prepare you for an independent faculty career (i.e. conference/workshop attendance)
  • Eligibility for a second full year of support pending good progress (e.g., research progress toward publications)

PPF Program Eligibility

The PPF program is only open to US citizens and permanent residents.

Applicants may be:

  • Graduate students from Johns Hopkins or other institutions, who have completed a doctoral degree or will have completed their doctoral degree requirements by the fellowship start date
  • Current postdoctoral scholars who received their degrees within the last three years
  • Professional applicants (who have an MD, JD, etc), who are within three years of completing their professional or clinical training

Applicants are welcome from any area of study. Priority will be given to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

Eligible STEM disciplines include: Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biological Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics, Biostatistics, Cell, Molecular, Developmental Biology and Biophysics, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Cellular Molecular Physiology, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Chemical Biology, Chemistry, and Civil And Systems Engineering, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Cross-Disciplinary Program in Biomedical Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Environmental Health and Engineering, Functional Anatomy and Evolution, Health Sciences Informatics, Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, Immunology, Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Neuroscience, Pathobiology, Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, and Psychological and Brain Sciences.

Consistent with the NIH’s Interest in Diversity (NOT-OD-20-031: Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity), we encourage those with a diverse background and life experiences, such as racial/ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, individuals from rural or socially disadvantaged backgrounds, and those of LGBTQIA identity to apply.

PPF Program Application

Applications will be submitted through Interfolio and contain the following materials:

Two Letters of Recommendation

Generally, recommendation letters should include a summary of the length of time and capacity in which the recommender knows the applicant; the applicant’s strengths, areas for improvement, and performance relative to other colleagues; how the applicant would contribute to the diversity of their division and academic community; and the applicant’s potential as a future faculty member.

Recommendation letters should not exceed 3 pages. 

PPF Applicant Cover Letter

The cover letter should provide a concise overview of the purpose of the application and include the departments of interest to which the applicant may be matched. 

The cover letter should not exceed 1 page. 

PPF Applicant Personal Statement

The personal statement should describe past research accomplishments, future research goals, both during and after the fellowship, and a commitment to pursuing an academic career. The statement should include a description of the specific research and development activities to be undertaken during the fellowship period and a timeline for completion of those activities. 

The personal statement should not exceed 3 pages. 

PPF Applicant Statement of Commitment to Inclusive Excellence

This statement should describe the applicant’s understanding of the significance of inclusive excellence towards fostering academic innovation; prior personal and professional experience with diversity, equity, and inclusion; a description of how they intend to show their commitment during and after the fellowship; what they hope to gain from and contribute towards this program; and why they should be chosen for this program. 

The statement of commitment to inclusive excellence should not exceed 2 pages. 

PPF Applicant Curriculum Vitae

There is no page limit for the curriculum vitae.

PPF Applicant Writing Sample

There is a 25-page limit for the writing sample 

PPF Applicant Timeline

  • 08-19-2024 | Application Opens
  • 10-11-2024 | Application Deadline
  • 10-16-2024 | Review Period Begins
  • 12-02-2024 | Review Period Ends
  • 12-16-2024 | Applicant Notices Released
  • 01-13-2025 | Applicant Acceptance Deadline
  • 07-15-2025 | Earliest start date of fellowship

*If needed, a later start date can be determined

PPF Review Process

  • Applications will go through an initial administrative review by the Office of the Associate Vice Provost of Faculty Diversity
  • Applications will be sent to respective University divisional departments for review
  • Departments will send a ranked list of candidates to the Office of the Associate Vice Provost of Faculty Diversity, along with a letter including available resources they can contribute to the candidates (office space, training, funds, etc), proposed budget and a detailed mentoring plan. 
  • The PPF selection committee will review the ranked applications and make final selections.